The (((FREE))) training you need to succeed in Young Living!
Do you want to share Young Living with some friends, but don't know where to start? What about wanting to build a part-time supplemental income, but don't know what it means to do that? Too many books, classes, or workshops to get through?
This is the training that you need to get going in Young Living! No hype. No pressure. No fluff. Just some crossline Royal Crown Diamonds giving you everything you need to be successful and to start now!
Join Chris Opfer to learn about who we are as a company and as a culture. Discover that we are a culture of helping others. A company of seeking to give people tools to help them live happier and healthier lives. This is Young Living!
April Pointer shares easily duplicatable tips to effectively sharing your story effectively, compliantly, and all while being genuine.
Carol Yeh Garner shares her best tips for taking control of your mindset and overcoming fears around the business so you can move forward and grow with confidence. No more fear! No more self-doubt! Just the right mindset for success!
With Myra Yarbrough, learn how to share, educate, and drop knowledge-bombs in a simple way so your friends are excited to get started!
With Erin Rodgers, you'll learn how to follow up with members and maintain them as a part of your team. Oh, and feel great about all of it, too!
With Jodie Meschuk, normalize sharing with the people around you and encourage your growing team to do the same. By helping others share, we can not only build a successful group, but change more lives all around the world!
Courtney Critz shows you how to direct your time and integrate the business into your life so that you can reach your goals in Young Living. YAY GOALS!
Kari Rae Lewis gives you a super simple breakdown of how we make money in Young Living and on which success habits to focus!